Qiskit Version 1.0 Crash Course: How to Build a Quantum Circuit

How Do You Build a Quantum Circuit? For quantum computer scientists, one of the most crucial steps in their journey into quantum lies in their first quantum circuit. The most commonly used, entry-level language for coding quantum circuits and algorithms is the Qiskit language, developed by IBM. Over the last year, the IBM’s Qiskit has […]

Our 5 Favorite QC Reads: For Beginners and Intermediates

After months of creating content for you all, our staff has come up with a few favorite quantum reads. The following reading materials mentioned will be subcategorized to cater your needs.  Beginners  University Students and Software Developers This theory and practice book will give you an introduction to quantum computing and particularly focuses on algorithm […]

Beginner’s Resources For Quantum Machine Learning

The present decade marks an era of constant advances and integrations in artificial intelligence. Simultaneously, we’ve witnessed the rise of quantum computation with the potential to someday revolutionise the exact fields machine learning is blazing through presently. However, what many haven’t discussed is the potential computational power that is unlocked when combining quantum computing and […]

QuBes Camp – Learn Quantum Computing From The Pros

Wondering how to level up this summer? Learn quantum computing. Most high-school students have never heard of quantum computing. If they have, they probably think it’s way above their level and completely unlearnable. But, that’s far from the truth. Every student has the ability to have a basic understanding of quantum computing and make an […]

The Maths Behind Quantum Computing

We get it, quantum computing is scary. The combination of quantum mechanics, theories, mathematics, and computer science makes no small hill to climb, and plenty of students have felt discouraged (to put it mildly) at the daunting task. The keywords “quantum computing for dummies” generate an estimated 480 searches per month, a three-fold increase from […]

Our Top 8 Favorite Quantum Resources

Quantum computing, a field that represents the crossroads between quantum mechanics and computer science, is a rising (if not already prominent) area in the data science industry. Many students discover their own blossoming interest in quantum computing, yet shy away from jumping directly in due to a lack of a starting point. This struggle, in […]

How Do I Learn Quantum Computing?

Want to get started in quantum computing? This article covers several shortfalls, numerous resources, and many paths forward in the field.

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