Quantum Hacking and Shor’s Algorithm

In the following article, we’re going to give you a brief overview of what quantum hacking is, and what role Shor’s Algorithm plays in it all.
Quantum Hacking and Shor’s Algorithm

Quantum Hacking: What is it & How is it used?

Quantum computing is a groundbreaking technology because of the power it holds. With QC, we can advance key industries such as medicine, aircraft technology, finances, and much more. However, there are quantum computing security risks that come into play. For the same amount of upstanding work it brings, it also makes quantum computers vulnerable to hacking for iniquitous intent. 

Because of the advanced technology it comes with, QC breaks cryptographic regulations, giving hackers the power to gain control over sensitive information such as the RSA. Quantum cryptography allows anyone to gain access to highly encrypted data by decrypting virtually impossible mathematical codes.   

What is the substantial dilemma coming with the future quantum industry? As of now, there is no prominent solution to the quantum hacking drawback. Before quantum computing becomes a colossal industry, it is important to address quantum hacking, or major confidential data could be compromised, really any data. This could result in vital government issues, leading to bigger consequences at a future date. In all, quantum encryption is the true concept behind quantum hacking. With quantum encryption algorithms, quantum hacking can be done easily and efficiently. 

Currently, many quantum based companies, governments, and research facilities are working to find this problem solver. Although, the majority of quantum computing facilities and research teams have been adopted and invested in by China. The accurate prediction is that for some time, Chinese based QC operations will be the only provisions to get a hold of the key to quantum hacking. 

What is the RSA? 

RSA stands for Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman, the brains behind this encryption technology. This technique uses algorithms to secure data encryptions, and is one of the oldest to do so. RSA has the ability to use modern computers to encrypt and decrypt messages. The RSA encryption is an asymmetric cryptographic algorithm. The RSA is like the google of security systems. It is used for specific security systems and protects sensitive data, especially when being sent through the internet. Quantum hacking and cryptography pose a sizable threat to the RSA security since QC enables encryptions to hack through the RSA algorithm. To conclude, quantum encryption software has the potential to hack through the RSA security.

Because of the advanced technology it comes with, QC breaks cryptographic regulations, giving hackers the power to gain control over sensitive information such as the RSA. Quantum cryptography allows anyone to gain access to highly encrypted data by decrypting virtually impossible mathematical codes.   

Shor’s Algorithm 

Shor’s Algorithm factors numbers in polynomial time. Modern classical computers are not able to use this algorithm because the numbers are too large to factor out. Shor’s algorithm is mainly made for the use of quantum computers. This is the encryption algorithm that can defeat the RSA. Once quantum computers are feasible, Shor’s algorithm can be used to hack into the RSA and other secure data forms. 

There are several ways to learn Shor’s algorithm. We recommend using the Qiskit tutorial because of its simplicity and organized manner. This webpage provides factoring equations, video tutorials, and etc. 

More into Quantum Cryptography

Quantum encryption, or quantum cryptography is the actual component to quantum hacking, as mentioned above. Quantum cryptography is the more secure transaction of anything (as opposed to regular cryptography) between two individuals. Quantum cryptography is not exactly a stable concept to rely on as of now, since we are still in the midst of making QC progress, and cryptographic algorithms rely heavily on complicated mathematical solutions.  

An example of a specific risk being brought with quantum cryptography would be quantum cryptocurrency. Think of four sources of payment–was one of them an online method? If so, quantum cryptography could potentially break through that. Cryptocurrency is a very simple concept, in reality. All it is, is forms of payment being exchanged virtually. With this, there are codes, transactions, confidential files, that can all be broken freely with quantum encryption. 

There are a good number of players in the QC industry working towards quantum cryptography. Here are some of them: Crypto Quantique, InfiniQuant, KETS Quantum Security, and many more. 

Places to Learn Quantum Cryptography

Interested in getting ahead of the game? There are plenty of free cryptography resources available for you. To make your life easier, here is a list and description of what resources you should use depending on where you are and where you want to be:

Tutorials Point gives a basic overview of cryptography and it is fair game for almost everyone. In their words, this tutorial has been prepared with the view to make it useful for almost anyone who is curious about cryptography. A basic knowledge of computer science and a secondary level of mathematics knowledge is sufficient to make the most of this tutorial. 

This video tutorial by Intellipaat will make cryptography look like a walk in the park. In this agenda, they go over the Introduction to Cryptography, Types of Cryptography, Examples of Cryptography, and a Hands-on of Cryptography. This is a well-organized tutorial that is easy to understand and follow along with. 

More of a reader? Use Herong’s Tutorial Examples. This is a website composed of several codes and cryptography tutorials. Taking you from the beginning to the end of cryptography, this is the right path to take. This tutorial includes cryptography with python language, and much more. 

Content Creator @ Q-munity

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